
Environmental Regulations for Connecticut Exterminators

The job of exterminators in CT is to protect public health and property while being environmentally conscience. A catch 22 is that many stinging insects are potential health threats to people, animals and property while pollinators have a direct impact on the human species and their survival.

On May 19th the White House released a National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is in charge of protecting public health and it will ultimately determine the fate of any pesticide that is approved for usage. However, some CT exterminators fear that control over certain chemicals can hinder the control over dangerous stinging insects that threaten people and animals.

Dr. Heinsohn, a member of the National Pest Management Association’s Technical Committee (NPMA), believes “The BMPs design by the NPMA are sound approaches for treatment of pests in the vicinity of pollinators, and will allow PMPs to participate in promoting local pollinator health…. There will always be the need for stinging insects nest removal and elimination, especially around schools and homes where residents could be allergic to bee stings. And when it comes to home perimeter treatments, most PMP’s are already performing more targeted treatments, using formulations that fit nicely with the NPMA’s BMPs.”

One aspect that is brought to light through the White House releasing this proposal is that the European Commission had a two-year ban of neonicotinoids (neonics). Neonics are pesticides that end up being soaked into all the tissues of leaves, flowers, roots, pollen and nectar which can affect when the pollinators attempt to pollinate. This is why the topic was strongly pushed onto the White House’s agenda by anti-pesticide activist and the EPA which sparked this National Strategy. However, some exterminators in Connecticut fear regulation of neonics can negatively affect their ability to control some of these stinging insects as neonics are a major part of many pest management professional’s programs.

Some exterminators in CT see this as a positive move by the White House to perpetuate the use of safer and affective products.   Those who oppose the policy believe this move to restrict certain chemicals is an arbitrary and broad of a solution for a specific complex issue. They feel that this chemical has its uses as long as it used properly applied. There is a belief that more research is needed for an appropriate decision to be made.

Ultimately, the decision will be a fine line of protecting pollinator’s as well as proper protection for humans, pests and physical structures. Pollinator’s can be a pest and must be protected. The more research done the better. For exterminators in Connecticut, the vast majority of “bee work” is actually treating wasps, which do not pollinate, and the treatments are typically done on a man-made structure.   This actually keeps most pollinating’s bees safe. This most certainly will be an ongoing topic.

For more information on exterminating pests in Connecticut while balancing environmental concerns, contact Richland Pest & Bee Control Today.

Source: info from this article take from “The Buzz on Pollinator Policy” – Pest Management Professional Magazine.  

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